Thursday, December 15, 2011

Be yourself, it's all that you can do.

“To be yourself is all that you can do..”
Because if we live our lives being anything but ourselves what the fuck are we living for? Who am I but my authentic, true self? The person you were born to be, the person you have been taught to suppress all your life.
You’re what the “drift” has formed you to be… a clone. But that is not who you have to be! You can be free, you can break the cycle of domestication by being you!! 
All my life I have had dyslexia and have seen things backwards, as if looking in a mirror. All my life I have been teaching myself to decode things so that I can understand and regurgitate back what was wanted from me in school. To me I saw things normally, but then when I didn’t grasp the concepts that everyone else seemed to be able to understand, I was told I was dumb, slow, lazy, retarded, ab-normal. Because I didn’t see things like everyone else, and there for couldn’t learn the same way as my piers, I was labeled as dumb.
For a very long time I wrote things back wards, couldn’t tell my left from my right, put my shoes on the wrong feet and couldn’t grasp things that seemed to come so easily for my friends and peers. I can remember being asked to read out loud in class and saying a word wrong because it was mixed up on the page and having the room snicker at me. Or getting up to answer math question on the board and having my teacher call me out for writing my 5’s back wards. I can’t tell you how many times my 3rd grade teacher made me stand at the head of the class in front of my pupils and write rows of 5’s the “Right” way on the board.
Still to this day I hesitate with telling the difference between my left and right and reading digital clocks and I’m 19 years old.
Instead of embracing the fact that I saw numbers and letters back wards as a part of who I am, I spent years teaching myself to see things as everyone else sees them. When I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the 9th grade (Yes, it took them 10 years of me being in school to diagnose me, even though I was obviously writing and reading my numbers and letters back wards as they appeared to me ) I was given a “Learning strategies”   class along with my honors classes. I was separated from my piers once again for not being just like everyone else. A teacher even had the balls to tell me I would have been diagnosed and helped sooner if I had shared my “Problem” sooner… as if I was suppose to know the way I saw numbers and letters was any different from the way everyone else saw them. Does a person who is color blind assume everyone else can see in color and he is the only one who is different?!
Now I read and write in what would appear to be a normal manner, I still see things back wards and reversed but because of the domesticating and molding I was put through I have now taught my self to “Decode” everything at a rapid rate so that I can appear “Normal.”
I strongly encourage you to embrace everything about yourself, even the “Problems” society says you have.
Be yourself! It’s all that you can do….

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